Beetle Cushion
Beetle Cushion

Beetle Cushion, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

Alligator Sheet Cake
Alligator Sheet Cake

Alligator Sheet Cake, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

A Snake in that Mother Tucking Drawer
A Snake in that Mother Tucking Drawer

A Snake in that Mother Tucking Drawer, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Bear Cage
Bear Cage

Bear Cage, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Coffee Filters Cootie Catcher
Coffee Filters Cootie Catcher

Coffee Filters Cootie Cather, 24x19 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Deviled Egg Record Player
Deviled Egg Record Player

Deviled Egg Record Player, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

Double Tails
Double Tails

Double Tails, 24x19 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Eggplant Bunny Slippers
Eggplant Bunny Slippers

Eggplant Bunny Slippers, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020


Fermentation, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020


Floaters, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

Four Fingers Corndogs
Four Fingers Corndogs

Four Fingers Corndogs, 24x19 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

17th Floor
17th Floor

17th Floor, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Fruit Magnet Spittoon
Fruit Magnet Spittoon

Fruit Magnet Spittoon, 24x19 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Guurl Really From the Mountain
Guurl Really From the Mountain

Guurl Really From the Mountain, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Heavenly Hosts
Heavenly Hosts

Heavenly Hosts, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

Helpers on Each Finger
Helpers on Each Finger

Helpers on Each Finger, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

King Conjoined Trophy
King Conjoined Trophy

King Conjoined Trophy, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

Knows if You've Been Bad or Good
Knows if You've Been Bad or Good

Knows if You've Been Bad or Good, 24x19 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019


Lids, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020


Manicure, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

My Funny Valentine
My Funny Valentine

My Funny Valentine, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

My Horns Have Boxing Gloves
My Horns Have Boxing Gloves

My Horns Have Boxing Gloves, 24x19 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Number One Cherry
Number One Cherry

Number One Cherry, 24x19 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

One Eye Knit in a Tree
One Eye Knit in a Tree

One Eye Knit in a Tree, 24x19 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Peace Lily Traps
Peace Lily Traps

Peace Lily Traps, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

Peaches on a Pew
Peaches on a Pew

Peaches on a Pew, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

Plunger Wedding Bangles
Plunger Wedding Bangles

Plunger Wedding Bangles, 24x19 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Put a Fine Point on It Bird
Put a Fine Point on It Bird

Put a Fine Point on It Bird, 24x19 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Rainbow Buddha
Rainbow Buddha

Rainbow Buddha, 24x19 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Rat Whoopee Cushion
Rat Whoopee Cushion

Rat Whoopee Cushion, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

Sop It Up
Sop It Up

Sop It Up, 24x19 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Stop Sunday Hat
Stop Sunday Hat

Stop Sunday Hat, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

Studio Assistant (Mabel)
Studio Assistant (Mabel)

Studio Assistant (Mabel), 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Tennis Ball Seat
Tennis Ball Seat

Tennis Ball Seat, 24x19 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Toilet Seat Dance Macabre
Toilet Seat Dance Macabre

Toilet Seat Dance Macabre, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

Witch Guzzler
Witch Guzzler

Witch Guzzler, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

Trotters and Snotter
Trotters and Snotter

Trotters and Snotter, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

Corn Streamers, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Corn Streamers, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Divine Mat, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Divine Mat, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Gluten Chasity, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Gluten Chasity, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Holy Grail Drying Rack, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Holy Grail Drying Rack, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Navel Orange Gazing, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Navel Orange Gazing, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Rubber Chicken Playing Rubber Turkey, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Rubber Chicken Playing Rubber Turkey, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Scorpion Gravy, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Scorpion Gravy, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Shroud Dispenser, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Shroud Dispenser, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Spiral Snail, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Spiral Snail, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Swan Dive, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Swan Dive, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Tire of the Year, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Tire of the Year, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
A Wise Transformation, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
A Wise Transformation, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Belly LIght, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Belly LIght, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Boot Bone, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Boot Bone, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Choices, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Choices, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Cornucopia of Screams, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Cornucopia of Screams, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Eggs, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Eggs, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Pin the Tail on the Donkey, 2017, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Pin the Tail on the Donkey, 2017, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Rascal, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Rascal, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Riding the Stone, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Riding the Stone, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Succelent, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Succelent, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Teeth and Fluff, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Teeth and Fluff, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Beetle Cushion
Alligator Sheet Cake
A Snake in that Mother Tucking Drawer
Bear Cage
Coffee Filters Cootie Catcher
Deviled Egg Record Player
Double Tails
Eggplant Bunny Slippers
Four Fingers Corndogs
17th Floor
Fruit Magnet Spittoon
Guurl Really From the Mountain
Heavenly Hosts
Helpers on Each Finger
King Conjoined Trophy
Knows if You've Been Bad or Good
My Funny Valentine
My Horns Have Boxing Gloves
Number One Cherry
One Eye Knit in a Tree
Peace Lily Traps
Peaches on a Pew
Plunger Wedding Bangles
Put a Fine Point on It Bird
Rainbow Buddha
Rat Whoopee Cushion
Sop It Up
Stop Sunday Hat
Studio Assistant (Mabel)
Tennis Ball Seat
Toilet Seat Dance Macabre
Witch Guzzler
Trotters and Snotter
Corn Streamers, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Divine Mat, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Gluten Chasity, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Holy Grail Drying Rack, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Navel Orange Gazing, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Rubber Chicken Playing Rubber Turkey, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Scorpion Gravy, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Shroud Dispenser, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Spiral Snail, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Swan Dive, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Tire of the Year, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
A Wise Transformation, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Belly LIght, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Boot Bone, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Choices, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Cornucopia of Screams, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Eggs, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Pin the Tail on the Donkey, 2017, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Rascal, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Riding the Stone, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Succelent, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Teeth and Fluff, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Beetle Cushion

Beetle Cushion, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

Alligator Sheet Cake

Alligator Sheet Cake, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

A Snake in that Mother Tucking Drawer

A Snake in that Mother Tucking Drawer, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Bear Cage

Bear Cage, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Coffee Filters Cootie Catcher

Coffee Filters Cootie Cather, 24x19 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Deviled Egg Record Player

Deviled Egg Record Player, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

Double Tails

Double Tails, 24x19 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Eggplant Bunny Slippers

Eggplant Bunny Slippers, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020


Fermentation, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020


Floaters, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

Four Fingers Corndogs

Four Fingers Corndogs, 24x19 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

17th Floor

17th Floor, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Fruit Magnet Spittoon

Fruit Magnet Spittoon, 24x19 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Guurl Really From the Mountain

Guurl Really From the Mountain, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Heavenly Hosts

Heavenly Hosts, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

Helpers on Each Finger

Helpers on Each Finger, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

King Conjoined Trophy

King Conjoined Trophy, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

Knows if You've Been Bad or Good

Knows if You've Been Bad or Good, 24x19 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019


Lids, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020


Manicure, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

My Funny Valentine

My Funny Valentine, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

My Horns Have Boxing Gloves

My Horns Have Boxing Gloves, 24x19 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Number One Cherry

Number One Cherry, 24x19 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

One Eye Knit in a Tree

One Eye Knit in a Tree, 24x19 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Peace Lily Traps

Peace Lily Traps, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

Peaches on a Pew

Peaches on a Pew, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

Plunger Wedding Bangles

Plunger Wedding Bangles, 24x19 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Put a Fine Point on It Bird

Put a Fine Point on It Bird, 24x19 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Rainbow Buddha

Rainbow Buddha, 24x19 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Rat Whoopee Cushion

Rat Whoopee Cushion, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

Sop It Up

Sop It Up, 24x19 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Stop Sunday Hat

Stop Sunday Hat, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

Studio Assistant (Mabel)

Studio Assistant (Mabel), 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Tennis Ball Seat

Tennis Ball Seat, 24x19 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2019

Toilet Seat Dance Macabre

Toilet Seat Dance Macabre, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

Witch Guzzler

Witch Guzzler, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

Trotters and Snotter

Trotters and Snotter, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar, 2020

Corn Streamers, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Divine Mat, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Gluten Chasity, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Holy Grail Drying Rack, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Navel Orange Gazing, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Rubber Chicken Playing Rubber Turkey, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Scorpion Gravy, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Shroud Dispenser, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Spiral Snail, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Swan Dive, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Tire of the Year, 2018, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
A Wise Transformation, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Belly LIght, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Boot Bone, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Choices, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Cornucopia of Screams, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Eggs, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Pin the Tail on the Donkey, 2017, 30x25 inches, watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Rascal, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Riding the Stone, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Succelent, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
Teeth and Fluff, 2017, 30x25 inches, Watercolor and acrylic on transparent mylar
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